Revolutionise Your Law Firm's Success with Our Marketing Itinerary™

Designed specifically for South African and European law firms, our 3-phase approach transforms your marketing strategy for unparalleled growth and visibility.

With the Marketing Itinerary, you're not just adopting a marketing strategy; you're embarking on a transformative journey that aligns with your vision, addresses your challenges, and propels your firm towards sustainable success.

The Beach Weather Media Approach to Marketing

Depending on the current reputation and marketing status of your firm / practice, we design the story of your strategic objectives within four areas: New Clients, Upsell/Cross-sell to Current Clients, Improve Client Experience, and Develop Skills.

Based on the annual growth goals of the firm, the four pillars will inform the actions marketing will take to achieve these objectives.

Once the objectives are established, we roll out the plan within a Strategic Actions structure. The four Strategic Action categories will always remain the same and provide guidelines for measurable engagements and activities towards reaching the strategic objectives.

Reputation Development and Management

Market Positioning and Brand Improvement 

Sales Material Production

Referral Development (Business Development)

The Marketing Itinerary is not just another marketing strategy; it's a comprehensive journey that transforms how your firm connects with clients and prospects. We've taken our extensive experience across industries and distilled it into a marketing blueprint that simplifies and amplifies your firm's marketing efforts.

Whether it's crafting a compelling brand narrative, developing engaging content, or optimising your digital presence, the Marketing Itinerary is a stepping stone towards building a powerful and consistent brand image that resonates with your clients.

For South African law firms, the Marketing Itinerary is more than a service; it's a solution that understands your local context. It considers the unique challenges of operating within South Africa's legal environment, such as navigating diverse markets, staying abreast of legal reforms, and maintaining competitive differentiation amidst a crowded legal sector.

Key Benefits:

The Marketing Itinerary offers several significant benefits for law firms, making it an excellent choice for your marketing strategy.

By the end of the Marketing Itinerary process, your firm or organisation will be in the perfect position to either continue with your marketing function internally, or you have the happy option of extending the involvement of BWM in your Marketing Operations by electing to approve one of our Marketing Retainer Options.

  • Every law firm is unique, and so should be its marketing strategy. The Marketing Itinerary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your firm's specific needs, goals, and market environment. This customisation ensures that your marketing efforts are always relevant, targeted, and efficient.

  • The Marketing Itinerary covers all key aspects of marketing: Public Relations, Content Marketing, Business Development, and Market Positioning. This comprehensive approach ensures that your firm presents a consistent and cohesive image across all channels and activities.

  • By setting clear, measurable goals from the outset and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), the Marketing Itinerary enables you to monitor your campaign's progress and measure its success. This transparency ensures that your marketing investment is accountable and results-driven.

  • The phased approach of the Marketing Itinerary, combined with constant tracking and adjustment, ensures that your marketing activities are timely and cost-effective. This is particularly important for law firms where time is often billed per hour, and budget efficiency is a priority. With us it’s 2 months, and one flat fee.

  • The Marketing Itinerary is designed to adapt to changes and respond to emerging opportunities. This adaptability is critical in the dynamic and competitive environment of legal services, where new trends, regulatory changes, or competitive moves can significantly impact the market.

  • By consistently communicating your firm's strengths, expertise, and values, the Marketing Itinerary helps build trust and credibility with your clients and prospects. This is crucial for law firms, where trust is a key factor in clients' decision-making process.

  • The Marketing Itinerary is designed to optimise your firm's visibility both locally and globally. This dual focus is particularly beneficial for South African law firms aiming to attract both domestic and international clients.